Is CBD Bath Bombs Safe?

CBD bath bombs are just the latest in a growing line of CBD goods. They’re what they sound like – bath bombs laced with cannabidiol, which is an entirely natural substance found in the cannabis plant. It’s more commonly known as CBD. The benefits of CBD are a subject of ongoing research, but what is already known is that it has anti-anxiety, anti-spastic, anti-inflammatory and perhaps even anti-cancer activity. In other words, it could be nature’s little helper. Find out more details about about the cbd bath bomb here.

A product called Hempucopia offers what it claims to be the purest CBD available on the market – no artificial preservatives, colors or flavors and with no sugar added. But there is a catch. The company that makes Hempucopia, a line of products including skin care products, candles and lotions, cautions consumers to keep their tubs out of public view, plug them off the electricity and never leave them sitting on countertops or in bath time trays.

So, if it’s safe to take an unadulterated CBD solution, why are some people objecting to the idea of cbd bath bombs? The answer lies in the science of self-care. It’s a well known fact that many common symptoms of common illnesses, including allergies, asthma and chronic fatigue, depend on a robust immune system. To have a good response to the demands placed upon us by modern living, our immune systems need to work efficiently.

When our cells and tissues are threatened by foreign matter, whether it’s a virus or a bacteria or an allergy, they adapt by producing antibodies. In doing so, they attack the foreign matter with a ferocious effort to defend the body. In response to this alarm, the part of the immune system that is responsible for fighting disease is called the inflammatory response system. And the very purpose of the inflammatory response system is to ensure that the invading substance is unable to infect the healthy cells or tissues within the body. It therefore makes sense that the use of CBD bath bombs would interfere with this scientific process and cause damage to the immune system.

The second problem cited is the likelihood of overdose. It has been found in clinical trials that the effects of CBD are highly variable between users, depending on how much is ingested. At high doses, people have shown no major adverse effects; at lower doses, the effects can range from mildly irritating to paralyzing. As a result, it’s difficult to say what the ideal dosage of CBD should be. One company suggests that the optimal dose of CBD for treating chronic pain and other medical conditions like cancer is about 25 mg per day for adults, although this varies widely between manufacturers and users.

The final concern regards possible side-effects with using CBD bath bombs. While there is no evidence that ingesting CBD will lead to toxic interactions with other medications, using the new products in areas where sensitive skin is a concern can increase the risk of a serious reaction. For example, using CBD to treat chemotherapy patients who also need regular showers to avoid getting drenched in sweat, the new products include an anti-soap component to act as a buffer between the oils produced by the body and the harsh chemical components of the chemotherapy drugs. Although there is some evidence that short-term exposure to CBD can increase the number of allergies and symptoms that appear in some people, the long-term effects remain unclear. In general, people with sensitive skin should not take CBD, especially in large amounts. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic:

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